How are you? Right now I am VERY tired. It's Wednesday night and I am scheduling this to post Thursday morning. Summer is not a vacation for me like it is for the kids. Let me tell you, I've suddenly become secretary, maid, dish washer/dryer/putter awayer, referee, taxi cab driver, cook, nurse, event planner, personal shopper, oh the list goes on and on. Now I can't even think straight! We have a repair man coming either today or tomorrow which will probably mean I have to cancel my PT. That's okay, my leg has been hurting a lot lately, but it has a way of feeling better after therapy. I have been running Phillip around like crazy, he's been working with a personal trainer plus working lots of hours. On top of that, I'm trying to get him motivated to pack for his trip to Ireland, Wales, and England...he leaves on Sunday!!!!
Okay, thanks for letting me vent at you!!! Now let's get down to business of this card! It's for the month long challenge at the
Fresh Brewed Designs group at
The Latte Lounge. The theme is Beach/Summer AND to use pink and teal. What fabulous colors together!!! I used the FBD rubber stamp
Cutie Pie Mermaid. And she is just that, a Cutie Pie!! Have a wonderful Thursday!