Another challenge card from my Michigan stamping trip. All that could be used were the supplies and stamp sets on the table. I got lucky, an aquapainter was there so I could add some watercoloring on the girl. The colors of cardstock were Basic black, Pumpkin pie, Cool Caribbean, Barely banana and Whisper white. The fish is cut out and popped up. My 11 year old son really likes this one - a definite compliment to dear old Mom because he hates it when I make him look at my cards!!!!!!! He's a good kid though, really!
Another snow day today, two in a row. Lots of make-up days will need to be used. We had lots of snow yesterday that turned to freezing rain over night. Then today it's been nothing but snow on top of it all. Makes for some difficult shoveling of the driveway and sidewalks.